Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Friday 22 November 2013

Week 9 : 50% Presentation week

In this week, Dr. Noraffandy evaluated and critique our 50% development of our website. There are 4 people in my group including me which are Vicki, Kak Diana and Asrul. Our group develop Learning Cuboid website for form 3 student. We are using Problem Based Learning for delivering our content of learning in our website. Here, what Dr. commented on our website presentation; recorded by our group member, Kak Diana.

 Idea ok
- Tak nampak identity
- Identity boleh terdiri daripada
1) Warna (2 warna)
2) Approach
- Improve Visual Design
- Is Cartoon acceptable for Form 3 students, visit Disney website
- Problem Based Learning - research how PBL boleh dizahirkan dalam bentuk web (strong untuk Information Design)
- kukuhkan PBL
- ada database solution, response guru, response rakan, tips, dan beberapa langkah lain untuk sampai kepada jawapan
- focus on one problem - kembangkan (soalan meminta pelajar memilih sesuatu?)
- mula dengan masalah - scaffolding
- activity based
- very good approach that needs to enforced
- constructivism, learners construct knowledge - > PBL
- stress on learning path

Besides that, We also have been asked to sketch a website on a piece of paper for other group website. Giving comment, suggestion or critique for improvement of their website. We can comment based on information design, visual design or interaction design. Later i will upload my sketch and comment for other group.

In this class, I'm so inspired by Dr. Fandy's lecture on how's the visual design can give a very big impact on the history of technology. 

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