Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Friday 29 November 2013

Week 10 : Discussion Website and Design Document

In this week, we discussed our 50% website and design document with Dr. Dayana. Dr. Dayana give suggestion and comments to our website. Dr. Dayana contribute idea about Problem Based Learning (PBL) of our website. Instead of we focus on two problems, she suggested we focus only one problem and deliver the problem using PBL approach. Here, the proof of discussion of our group and new problem is posed by kak Diana for the learning content page.

Friday 22 November 2013

Week 9 : 50% Presentation week

In this week, Dr. Noraffandy evaluated and critique our 50% development of our website. There are 4 people in my group including me which are Vicki, Kak Diana and Asrul. Our group develop Learning Cuboid website for form 3 student. We are using Problem Based Learning for delivering our content of learning in our website. Here, what Dr. commented on our website presentation; recorded by our group member, Kak Diana.

 Idea ok
- Tak nampak identity
- Identity boleh terdiri daripada
1) Warna (2 warna)
2) Approach
- Improve Visual Design
- Is Cartoon acceptable for Form 3 students, visit Disney website
- Problem Based Learning - research how PBL boleh dizahirkan dalam bentuk web (strong untuk Information Design)
- kukuhkan PBL
- ada database solution, response guru, response rakan, tips, dan beberapa langkah lain untuk sampai kepada jawapan
- focus on one problem - kembangkan (soalan meminta pelajar memilih sesuatu?)
- mula dengan masalah - scaffolding
- activity based
- very good approach that needs to enforced
- constructivism, learners construct knowledge - > PBL
- stress on learning path

Besides that, We also have been asked to sketch a website on a piece of paper for other group website. Giving comment, suggestion or critique for improvement of their website. We can comment based on information design, visual design or interaction design. Later i will upload my sketch and comment for other group.

In this class, I'm so inspired by Dr. Fandy's lecture on how's the visual design can give a very big impact on the history of technology. 

Friday 15 November 2013

Week 8: Visual Design

In this week , we learned visual design. Visual design is about planning how the web site will look. There are several vital elements that need to be considered in visual design.  The elements include 

(1) Colours of the website, 
(2) Font or styles of the website
(3) Graphics and multimedia 
(4) Combining all the element above into attractive layout.

Besides that, we also learned that user interface is very important element in website. The element that are must have in user interface are:

(1) A background that reflect the theme -colours or images

(2) Foreground elements that reflect the theme - context and links (title, headings, sub-headings, body text, illustrations and captions.)

(3)Other elements that support the theme - such as text, images, buttons, navigation bars, animation, video.

There are also issues been discussed in the class such as;

(1)using fonts that are easy to read ( sans serif,  eg: verdana, arial) , 
(2)consistency in website (arranging neatly, using table so that your content 'xlari'.)
(3)contrast ( using suitable colour matching)
(4)white space (provide enough white space so that user can relax their eye )
(5)loading (split the big image, so that the time loading the image will fast)