Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Saturday 28 September 2013

Week 3 : Web Development Process

Salam and Hi..

In this week, i learned about web development process. In developing a website, there are many ID model (Instructional Model) that u can choose as a guide thru the whole process. To name a few of ID Models like ADDIE Model, Waterfall Model, Hannafin & Peck Model, Dick & Carey Model and Assure Model. The most famous model that often been used is Addie Model. It requires 5 steps in developing a website such as (1) Analysis (2) Design (3) Development (4)Implementation (5) Evaluation. Below you can see an image of ADDIE Model.

During the class, we had presentation about one of ID Model. I've been a group with Asrul and our ID Model is Hannafin and Peck Model. This model requires only 3 phases which are (1) Assess , (2) Design and (3) Develop/Implement. You can see the image below.

The Hannafin Peck’s design model is  very simple yet elegant in the way in which all three phases are connected to "evaluate and revise". From what i read, this model may not be designed for a novice, but its focus on constraints in relation to quality and complexity is appealing.

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