Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Saturday 28 September 2013

Week 3 : Web Development Process

Salam and Hi..

In this week, i learned about web development process. In developing a website, there are many ID model (Instructional Model) that u can choose as a guide thru the whole process. To name a few of ID Models like ADDIE Model, Waterfall Model, Hannafin & Peck Model, Dick & Carey Model and Assure Model. The most famous model that often been used is Addie Model. It requires 5 steps in developing a website such as (1) Analysis (2) Design (3) Development (4)Implementation (5) Evaluation. Below you can see an image of ADDIE Model.

During the class, we had presentation about one of ID Model. I've been a group with Asrul and our ID Model is Hannafin and Peck Model. This model requires only 3 phases which are (1) Assess , (2) Design and (3) Develop/Implement. You can see the image below.

The Hannafin Peck’s design model is  very simple yet elegant in the way in which all three phases are connected to "evaluate and revise". From what i read, this model may not be designed for a novice, but its focus on constraints in relation to quality and complexity is appealing.

Friday 20 September 2013

Week 2: Basic Concept of Webpage

In this week, we learned about Basic Concept of Webpage. This class was conducted by Dr. Dayana. Before the class start, Dr. Dayana explained more and detail about assignment and evaluation. 

Here, I concluded what I must do in our group assignment.

1) Website should have learning theories & learning strategies.
2)Appropriate website suitable with target audience.
3)Must do the proposal first before developing website and must be approved
4) Do the evaluation (Formative & Summative). 
   (i) Formative Evaluation (Alpha Testing) is a continuous testing which conducted before the website   published. This test will involve expertise such as content and multimedia expert.
   (ii)Summative Evaluation (Beta Testing) is conducted at the end of the development. This test will involve real user.
5) Format Hardcopy of assignment
   i)Black tape binding
   ii)Blue Coverpage

So enough with the assignment, lets start with what i have learned in basic concept of webpage. I learned what is webpage, website, CMS, LMS, portal and blog.

1)Webpage- a one piece document that consist in website
2)Website- a collection of webpages which hosted on one or more servers
3)CMS-CMS or Content Management System is a computer software system that use to organize and facilated collaborative creation of documents and other content
4)LMS-LMS or Learning Management System is a set of software tools that designed to manage learning intervations. 
Example: Moodle, SAKAI etc.
5)Portal- pages that intended to serve as main page or gateway 
   Example: Yahoo, CNET and Niche (tutor.com.my which is for education)
6)Blog- a website that usually maintained by individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events or other material such as video or graphics.

At the end of this class, we also had a discussion about this:

1. Personal web development using web authoring software vs CMS vs blog?
2.Educational web development using web authoring software vs LMS vs blog?

I had this discussion with Vicki and we conclude that we choose blog in personal web development. This is because it is easy, an open source and at the same time can earn money. Example of blog is blogger.com . I have experience using it and now i use it for writing my reflection in certain subject courses. For Educational web development, we choose LMS such as MOODLE. This is because it is free and open source coding and no need to develop a website from a scratch.. hee..

Friday 13 September 2013

Week 1: Intro

Salam and hi, 

In this blog, i would like to share on how to develop a website but not just an ordinary website, but an educational website. Since I've learned some programming skills in Authoring Class last semester, I hope i can develop an interactive teaching and learning webpage or portal.

In this Web-Based Multimedia Development (MPT 1393) class, I will learn on how to develop website based on suitable learning theories and instructional designs.  This class will be conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noraffandy Yahaya and Dr. Noor Dayana Abd Halim. 

Here, i give the synopsis about this courses.

"In this course, students will be exposed with some state-of-the-art communication technology tools, which is Internet and how it can be used efficiently in teaching and learning. Students will have their chance to develop an interactive teaching and learning webpage or portal using programming skills that have been learned in MPT 1193 (Authoring System). Students also will have an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the webpage; that has been developed; using several testing and evaluation techniques that will be introduced in this course"

This week is a 1st class and  was conducted by Dr. Noraffandy. The next class will be conducted by Dr. Noor Dayana. In 1st class, just a short briefing from Dr. about assignment, presentation and evaluation for a website development. In this course, we will have 7 assignments in total and 1 final exam which carry about 30% marks. So, I must do the assignment 'secemerlang yang boleh' cause it carry about 70% marks.

Wee... we just had our first assignment which is design document for our website. For presentation of our proposal, we have been asked to do it using PREZI. I searched about PREZI and I found that the PREZI is a cloud based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides.  The fun is about PREZI is the zoomzble canvas to explore ideas. I found it really interesting and can makes a beautiful, creative and fun presentation.

So, this week is just a short briefing from Dr. and we're finished class early.